Science and Wisdom LIVE, Jamyang London Buddhist Centre Plan Buddhism and Quantum Physics e-Learning Course

Image courtesy of Jamyang London Buddhist Centre

A new online course produced by the Jamyang London Buddhist Centre in partnership with Science & Wisdom LIVE will explore our understanding of the relationship between mind and matter. The course will seek to examine the nature of the mind and consciousness from the perspectives of ancient contemplative and philosophical traditions and the discoveries of quantum physics.

“After months of preparations, Jamyang London Buddhist Centre and Science & Wisdom LIVE are launching a new e-learning program in 2022, starting with a first e-Learning course on Quantum Physics & Buddhism!” Jamyang London said in an announcement. (Jamyang London Buddhist Centre)

The e-learning course will be conducted with the participation of Buddhist scholar Geshe Tenzin Namdak, along with quantum physicist Prof. Carlo Rovelli, Prof. John Dunne, Dr. Michel Bitbol, Dr. John Realpe, and Scott Snibbe. Full details of the course and its start date will be confirmed in the near future.

Jamyang London Buddhist Centre was established in 1978 to facilitate the study and practice of Tibetan Buddhism following the lineage of His Holiness the Dalai Lama. The center is also affiliated with the Foundation for the Preservation of the Mahayana Tradition (FPMT) under the spiritual direction of Lama Zopa Rinpoche, and offers a structured curriculum of courses and classes on Buddhist philosophy and practice.

“Are you a Buddhist and struggling to link certain Buddhist ideas to the contemporary scientific understanding of our world?” Jamyang London said. “Learn at your own pace how science, and more specifically Quantum Physics, explain the notion of interdependence in Buddhism.” (Jamyang London Buddhist Centre)

Science & Wisdom LIVE is a project of Jamyang Buddhist Centre London in partnership with Mind & Life Europe, working to support dialogue between meditation practitioners and scientists on variety of topics discuss involving the intersections of scientific research, mindfulness practices, and the challenges of living on contemporary society.

“Science & Wisdom LIVE brings meditation practitioners in conversation with scientists to address the problems of contemporary society and come to new possible solutions,” said Science & Wisdom LIVE. “The dialogue between science and contemplative traditions can inspire positive action and inform an ethical response to the challenges of our times, grounded in the human values of cooperation, compassion and equality.” (Science & Wisdom Live)

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Jamyang London Buddhist Centre
Science & Wisdom LIVE

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