Optimizing the Wood Snake Year
Asa Hershoff ponders the Karmic perils, pitfalls, and opportunities in the year of the snake
Asa Hershoff has practiced mindbody medicine and Vajrayana concurrently for 40 years. Completing the traditional three-year retreat under the auspices of Kalu Rinpoche, he was later ordained as a lay lama in Arunachal Pradesh. A pioneer in the Canadian holistic health movement, he is founder of the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine (1978) and author of three books published by Penguin-Random House. Asa has developed Elemental Psychology as an integration of Vajrayāna, humanistic psychology, bioenergy medicine, and a panglobal perspective on the five elements. This transformative methodology of self-healing, therapy and spiritual growth is represented in his current book projects, You: True & False and The Five Ways of Wisdom due out later this year. See also: www.the5wisdoms.com www.5eeh.com.
The Five Wisdoms is published bi-monthly.
Asa Hershoff ponders the Karmic perils, pitfalls, and opportunities in the year of the snake
Asa Hershoff offers a short treatise on causes and conditions and the fruition of karma
Asa Hershoff considers our relationship with impermanence through the lens of Buddhist practice
Asa Hershoff examines spiritual practices and perspectives that help us to live mindfully, compassionately, and courageously
Asa Hershoff investigates the bioenergetic and transformational aspects of tantric practice.
Asa Hershoff considers psychological and emotional well-being through the lens of the traditional Tibetan Five Elements.
Asa Hershoff offers a commentary on modernism versus tradition for Buddhist practitioners
Asa Hershoff considers a path informed by ancient wisdom out of the destructive environments we have created for our planet.
BDG columnist Asa Hershoff on the fact that Buddhism offers a radical departure from the many ways we remain asleep in the world
BDG columnist Asa Hershoff ponders the significance of pilgrimage as part of our Buddhist practice
BDG columnist Asa Hershoff on the foundational importance of mindfulness in our Buddhist practice and in our relationships with fellow practitioners
Asa Hershoff shares his thoughts and perspectives on the tantric view of rebirth and liberation