Bodaisatta Shishobo – The Bodhisattva’s Four Embracing Dharmas, Part 1: Giving
Hozan Alan Senauke offers Dharmic commentary on peace and on liberation from the poisons of greed, hatred, and delusion
Hozan Alan Senauke is a Soto Zen Buddhist priest, resident, and abbot of Berkeley Zen Center in California. He is a disciple of Sojun Weitsman Roshi, in the lineage of Shunryu Suzuki. In 2007, Hozan founded the Clear View Project, developing Buddhist-based resources for social change in Asia and the US, with a focus on Myanmar and on “ex-untouchable” Buddhists in India.
A lifelong activist and former director of the Buddhist Peace Fellowship, Hozan is on the International Network of Engaged Buddhists Advisory Committee, and on the core faculty of the Upaya Zen Center’s chaplaincy training program.
Hozan is the author of The Bodhisattva’s Embrace: Dispatches from Engaged Buddhism’s Front Lines, Heirs to Ambedkar: The Rebirth of Engaged Buddhism in India, and numerous articles and book chapters. His most recent recording project is Everything is Broken: Songs about Things as They Are.
Hozan Alan Senauke offers Dharmic commentary on peace and on liberation from the poisons of greed, hatred, and delusion
Hozan Alan Senauke explores the insights and implications for Buddhism in the US raised in a remarkable new book by Scott A. Mitchell
Hozan Alan Senauke offers a thoughtful commentary on military oppression in Myanmar and a Buddhist perspective on violent and nonviolent resistance
Hozan Alan Senauke offers a touching tribute to his close friend and spiritual mentor in engaged Buddhism, Sulak Sivaraksa
The radical Buddhist vision of Dr. B. R. Ambedkar and his living legacy in the 21st century
Navigating the path to equity and inclusivity in Buddhist communities
Hozan Alan Senauke examines the engaged path of the bodhisattva in Buddhist chaplaincy
A campaign to liberate Jarvis Jay Masters, an innocent man on California’s Death Row
Drawing on wisdom of the Buddhist teaching and the strength of our sangha to respond with compassion and wise action to the growing global climate crisis
Relying on the noble truths of socially engaged Buddhism amid this tangled karma
Enlightened activity and liberation in the face of oppression
Exploring the intersection of peace, justice, and loving-kindness