On Karma and Rebirth
What the Buddha said about the karmic results…

Assured Rebirth in the Pure Land in this Present Life
The mechanism of assuring Pure Land…

Wisdom Publications’ Daniel Aitken Talks About the New Book on Rebirth by Ven. Bhikkhu Anālayo
From early Buddhist thought to the modern day

The Iconography of Nagas, Part Six: Finding True Meaning
The final part of an esoteric exploration of naga symbology

The Mustard Seed of Grief and Rebirth
Facing loss, finding renewal

Master Shandao’s Exegesis on the Deep Mind: Faith Established in the Context of Practice, Part One
Primary practices and miscellaneous practices To establish faith in “context of person,” a Pure Land practitioner needs not ask or seek advice from anybody about

Tibetan Book of the Dead, Part Two: The Hour of Our Death
The first metaphysical thing I learned about Buddhist Cham dance was that the same monstrous deities appearing in the annual Cham performance will appear again

Master Shandao’s Exegesis on the Deep Mind, Part Two: Determinant Deep Faith in the Buddha’s Teachings
How the the first component of deep faith relates to sentient…

Master Shandao’s Exegesis of the Sincere Mind, Part Four
Last time, we explored how a Pure Land aspirant attains both “genuineness in self-benefiting” and “genuineness in benefiting others” through the dedication of real merits

Master Shandao’s Exegesis of the Sincere Mind, Part One
The Sincere Mind is the Genuine Mind Let us look at Master Shandao’s explanation of the Threefold State of Mind in his Commentary on the Contemplation Sutra.

The Threefold State of Mind: The Complete Concept of Faith in Pure Land Buddhism
Since February this year, we have been discussing the importance of faith and its role in Pure Land Buddhism. In this instalment I hope to