Mink, the Fur Trade, and Coronavirus – Ominous Interdependence
Sarah C. Beasley
7 December 2020
Offering a more ethical relationship with these…

All Are Reborn as Buddha-like Living Beings in the Land of Bliss
Alan Kwan
19 November 2020
The nature of rebirth in the Pure Land

The Problem with Ghosts
Margaret Meloni, PhD
31 October 2020
On the pros and cons of seeing our dead loved ones

Humanity’s Place in the Cosmos
Prof. David Dale Holmes
7 October 2020
On human potential and rebirth

Please Don’t Come Back
Margaret Meloni, PhD
1 September 2020
On clinging, suffering, and rebirth

Seeing Non-self
Prof. David Dale Holmes
17 August 2020
Extracts from the Samyutta Nikaya

Reflections on Time and Space: The LED Installations of Tatsuo Miyajima
Meher McArthur
15 January 2020
Expressing change, interconnectivity, and the…

Maithuna: Reflections on the Sacred Tantric Union of Masculine and Feminine
Tilly Campbell-Allen
2 December 2019
Wisdom and bliss on the spiritual path

Dalai Lama Hints at a Possible End to the Reincarnate Lama System
Justin Whitaker
29 October 2019
Remarks highlight the spiritual leader’s awareness of…

Removing Doubt of Amitabha’s Deliverance Through His Name
Alan Kwan
22 October 2019
How can we be reborn in a land of cosmic perfection?

The Consequences of Moral and Immoral Actions
Prof. David Dale Holmes
14 October 2019
We are the owners and heirs of our kamma