Home is Blooming Where The Dharma Plants Us
6 December 2018
The final instalment of the Lily Pad Sutra

Metta’s Magic Tricks
28 February 2018
How the Dharma has challenged my illusions, one…

The Mustard Seed of Grief and Rebirth
4 January 2018
Facing loss, finding renewal

In the World’s Secret Dharma Service by Living the Infinite “Yes”
14 December 2017
How the Dharma steered my odd-jobs career to lend a…

Home Truths: Belonging No Place, Belonging Every Place
12 October 2017
Learning that home is a non-place we carry inside us

Traveling Light and Lighter: The Life-changing Magic of Lightening Up
22 September 2017

Shoshin and the Fear of Others
11 August 2017
The previous two articles in this column, which explored combining location-independence with letting the Dharma take the lead—what I term “lily padding”—described how tonglen dissolves the fear of

Sowing the Seeds of Metta to Dissolve Fears of the Unknown
21 July 2017
Last month, I introduced the overall concept of lily padding as a combination of location-independence and letting the Dharma take the lead. During my seven

Lily Pad Sutra: Living in Transit for Seven Years
16 June 2017
Giving up life as a householder and following the Dharma