Daughters of the Buddha: From Banking to Buddhism – A Conversation with Gelongma Pema Deki
Sakyadhita and the fourfold sangha—the path to female monasticism
Sakyadhita and the fourfold sangha—the path to female monasticism
Anam Thubten Rinpoche offers a meditation on the Buddhadharma in the contemporary world
Our loving-kindness practitioner experiences the joy of helping young parents as one season flows into the next
Manifesting love and wisdom in the Aro gTér lineage
Experiencing the musical expression of the timeless, borderless, profound Buddhist message and teaching of ompassion
Grieving family members gathered at a Buddhist monastery in Thailand, on 16 February for a memorial ceremony for the youth who died in the UK.
Center relied on rental income from therapists and yoga teachers, but many of these activities have remained online even as COVID-19 concerns recede
Working with Jamyang London Buddhist Centre, Science & Wisdom LIVE has announced an e-learning program on Buddhist philosophy, science, and mindfulness.
Buddhists in their newly expanded setting hope to spread happiness throughout the community
Representatives of religious faiths, including Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Islam, Judaism, and Sikhism assembled at the foot of Parliament Hill in London on 13 November to
Our loving-kindness practitioner finds herself balancing a very helpful co-worker on one side and a trouble-maker on the other
An imaginary audience with two early pioneers of Buddhist culture in the West