Visitors Flock to Landmark Exhibition of Buddha Relics in Singapore
The Tibetan Buddhist Centre in Singapore organized a celebration of the historical legacy of the Buddha, with an exhibition of the Kapilavastu Relics.
The Tibetan Buddhist Centre in Singapore organized a celebration of the historical legacy of the Buddha, with an exhibition of the Kapilavastu Relics.
Temple is the largest found in the area and includes many intact artifacts
The county’s leaders hope to show a welcoming, tourist-friendly side to the Buddhist world
The discovery will prompt further exploration in hopes of gaining deeper knowledge into the history of early Buddhism
The “first of its kind” conference on the heritage of Buddhism in the region is aimed at deepening ties among countries that represent nearly half of the world’s people.
An archeological story of the only stupa enshrining the relics of an enlightened figure of the Early Buddhist order of female monastics
Remarkable archaeological remains have been found In Bandhavgarh Tiger Reserve in areas that had gone unexplored for decades
Growing list of discoveries in Pakistan will strengthen the country’s place as a site for Buddhist pilgrimage and tourism
Buddha statues in the Gandharan style may have traveled along the Silk Road nearly 2000 years ago
Buddhist philosophy has thrived in many institutions in the West and must be maintained in Nepal as well, argues lawmakers
Site could prove to be one of the most important in Buddhist history
Discovery of unique remains offers insights into an ancient culture