Peaches in Izmir
Original Chinese text: KK LiTranslation and English editing: Raymond Lam I have joined the Intercultural Dialogue Trip to Turkey organized by the Centre of Buddhist
Original Chinese text: KK LiTranslation and English editing: Raymond Lam I have joined the Intercultural Dialogue Trip to Turkey organized by the Centre of Buddhist
Original Chinese text: Cheng Wan Lan LouisaTranslation: Emma Bi Jia Thanks to the Hong Kong University’s Centre of Buddhist Studies Alumni Association, I had the chance
Original Chinese text: Jin Hui Translation: Belle Guo Xiao English editors: Cathy Ziengs and Raymond Lam On the evening of July 24th, we began our
Original Chinese text: Venerable Jieyu Translation: Zakiyyah Wahab English editing: Cathy Ziengs In this modern age where less attention is placed on faith and religion,
Intercultural Dialogue Trip to Turkey 2012: Buddhists and Muslims Together The Anatolia Cultural & Dialogue Centre in Hong Kong (ACDC) invited and hosted two delegations
Original Chinese text: Elsa Lam Translation: Brenda Leung English Editing: Raymond Lam Hence, there is no doubt that a person who is armoured with love needs
Imagine … “a world where people are deeply grounded in a moral and ethical tradition, where humility and service are highly valued and where reason, science