Sky Lanterns and Walubi: My Waisak Day at Borobudur in 2018, Part 2
Reflections on the experience of celebrating…

Sky Lanterns and Walubi: My Waisak Day at Borobudur in 2018, Part 1
A travelogue of celebrating Vesak in Indonesia

Buddhist Temples Across Japan Soon to Offer Rented Accommodation for Tourists
New law opens opportunities for spiritual…

Journeying Across Shikoku: The Shikoku Pilgrimage
Japan is the land of the rising sun and hopelessly polite people. On the surface, it appears to be a secular country, but if one

The Many Buddhas of Malaysia
I knew very little about Buddhism in Malaysia before I landed in that lush green country. My visit was the result of some last-minute changes

Fearlessness and Climate Change: A Better Way to Be in a Suffering World
In 2007, I took a multi-year sabbatical from my career as an environmental professional and set sail on a 15,000-nautical-mile ocean voyage in a small

The Wonders of Kham and Larung Gar, Part Two
Last spring, Victoria traveled overland from Chengdu to Larung Gar Buddhist Institutue in the traditional Tibetan region of Kham. Part One* of her account describes

The Wonders of Kham and Larung Gar
Traveling to the town of Larung Gar in the traditional Tibetan region of Kham was for me a mini-pilgrimage in itself. Larung Gar Buddhist Institute,

On Pilgrimage: A Journey through Tibet (part 2)
“Although my view is higher than the sky, My attention to cause and effect is finer than flour.” – Guru Rinpoche (Padmasambhava) As our pilgrimage

Sunbeam, Stone, Water, Wood: A Travelogue of Bongamsa Temple
South Korea’s temples exemplify everything that makes the Buddhist heart beat strong. They boast historical glamor, artistic and architectural splendor, and societal adaptability tempered by

Embracing the Moment: The Buddhist Photography of Alan McArthur
Of all the artists I have known personally over the years who have featured Buddhist subjects and concepts in their work, photographer Alan McArthur most