American Soto Zen Priest and Engaged Buddhist Hozan Alan Senauke Has Died, Aged 77
The esteemed socially engaged Buddhist, American Soto Zen priest Hozan Alan Senauke, has died after an extended period of ill health. He was 77 years old.
The esteemed socially engaged Buddhist, American Soto Zen priest Hozan Alan Senauke, has died after an extended period of ill health. He was 77 years old.
The International Network of Engaged Buddhists (INEB) this week commenced its annual International Young Bodhisattva Program, a two-week experiential-learning initiative for young leaders and social
The International Network of Engaged Buddhists (INEB) has announced that it will hold its 21st biennial conference in Chennai from 22 November–3 December.
The International Network of Engaged Buddhists’ School of English for Engaged Social Service (SENS) has announced the launch of it’s 2025 study program.
Thailand’s senate has passed a landmark bill that will see the kingdom become the first nation in Southeast Asia to legalize marriage for LGBTIQA+ couples.
Ven. Samana Bhodirak, founder and spiritual leader of the Santi Asoke Buddhist community in Thailand, has died. He was 89 years old.
The lower house of Thailand’s parliament has passed a landmark bill to legalize same-sex marriages, with politicians voting overwhelmingly in favor.
Sujata Academy, a remarkable community school and social empowerment project in Dungheswari, in the northeastern Indian state of Bihar, marks its 30th anniversary.
Cultivating creative compassion and social engagement among tomorrow’s leaders
Exploring ethical affinities between Buddhism and human rights as the Middle East enters a new phase of brutality
The International Network of Engaged Buddhists has announced that the International Young Bodhisattva Program is now open to prospective applicants.
BDG speaks with Jonathan Watts on his new two-volume examination of the evolution of engaged Buddhism in Japan