Buddhist Mindfulness Versus Secular Mindfulness, Part 3
Lam Yuen Ching deepens her exploration of the foundational differences between Buddhist mindfulness practices and their secular counterparts
Lam Yuen Ching deepens her exploration of the foundational differences between Buddhist mindfulness practices and their secular counterparts
Prof. David Holmes continues his examination of the seven factors of awakening
A Buddhist structure for individuals and institutions to move toward a greener future
Cultivating the mind—finding our way on the Buddha’s Noble Eightfold Path
Understanding the cause-and-effect relationship that is based on dependent origination
Bringing Buddhist practice to cultivating the earth and…
Cultivating ethics in a realm of limited freedom
Courage on the path of peace and reconciliation
How right effort and the four right exertions could help…
Right Effort is the sixth factor of the Noble Eightfold Path. If you are to reach a supramundane state, you must realize it through effort
I once had a dance teacher who shared with us his trick for ensuring a successful performance: he would rehearse his dance company enough to