Queen Vaidehi’s Sight of Two Buddhas Emitting Light in the Contemplation Sutra
In a core story of the Pure Land canon, Queen Vaidehi perceived two buddhas emitting divine light that provided insight into the Pure Land
In a core story of the Pure Land canon, Queen Vaidehi perceived two buddhas emitting divine light that provided insight into the Pure Land
What prevents us from following and practicing any of Shakyamuni Buddha’s 84,000 expedient teachings and following Amitabha?
Remorse and shame are completely appropriate feelings in light of our karmic debts, but they connect us deeper to the Buddhas
Examining the methods by which enlightened beings make us ordinary delusional creatures into buddhas
Why the Pure Land teachings bring both Shakyamuni Buddha and Amitabha Buddha into a cosmic plan for our liberation
How Amitabha embraces even non-believers in his Name through two additional, supplementary vows to his Primal Vow
Exploring the deep and true meaning of the 20th vow in Amitabha Buddha’s schema of liberation and rebirth, according to Master Shandao
Exploring Master Shandao’s explanation of why the 18th Vow in Pure Land Buddhism is much more powerful than the 19th Vow
Unpacking the 18th, 19th, and 20th Vows of Amitabha Buddha in the Pure Land school’s schema of deliverance
How to interpret the assurance of rebirth in the Pure Land for followers of Amitabha Buddha who harbor doubts in their hearts
Exploring the deep concept of faith in the Pure Land tradition and Amitabha Buddha’s mechanism of sincere practice
The true meaning of reciting Amitabha’s name “10 times” in Pure Land Buddhism and Pure Land practice