Beginner’s Mind: End, Beginning, Midpoint – Buddhist Economics in my Life
Planting seeds of insight, effort, and virtue
Planting seeds of insight, effort, and virtue
Thoughts on impermanence and meaning in a precarious.
Walkers acknowledge 400 years of colonization of…
Embracing the joy of natural remedies
Founder of Zen Peacemakers…
Online resource freely available to all
Stone and Kapstein among 177 Fellows
Manifesting spiritual inclusivity in American universities
The story of the Jhamtse Gatsal Children’s Community
Aspiration and vocation on the path of a healer
During the Education and Buddhist Ministry Conference at Harvard Divinity School (HDS) in April 2015, Professor Charles Hallisey, Yehan Numata Senior Lecturer on Buddhist Literatures,
Buddhist expression in sound and beauty