Death and Decay, Birth and Rebirth: Cycles of Life in Nature and Ourselves
Contemplating the joy and sorrow of life transitions with equanimity and wisdom
Contemplating the joy and sorrow of life transitions with equanimity and wisdom
Our metta-meditator brings loving-kindness and soup before encountering novel approaches to death and dying in England
As we mourn the loss of a number of great Buddhist teachers, we can contemplate the future of our practice and our religion
Reflecting on the loss of a teacher in springtime and the beauty and joy of all of our teachers along the path
Accepting change and impermanence with mindful self-compassion
In the wake of natural disasters, how do we move from shock or rationalizations to compassionate action?
Prominent landmark had become a home to many Buddhists throughout the area
Pondering animal well-being and agency
The tragic circumstances of the crowd crush in Seoul have traumatized and bewildered survivors
Learning about death and impermanence from our animal companions
A meditation on impermanence, change, and dissolution
Seeing our refuge in Buddhism as a continuous practice to help us maintain peace and perspective in times of personal and global conflict