Dharma Realm Buddhist University in California Adjusts to Life with COVID-19
After closing campus, a PPE drive and virtual graduation…
After closing campus, a PPE drive and virtual graduation…
Former business tycoon turned Samsung into a global name
On Chinese migration and the beginnings of Buddhism in…
Reaching out with metta and compassion
Prof. Xuan Fang’s analysis of changing government policies for religion and Buddhism, digitization, and new ideas
Establishing new roots of humanistic Buddhism
Forum aimed at promoting mutual understanding…
Master Jingzong’s essay on the evolution of Mahayana Buddhist schools in China
Forum explores practicing and developing…
As an active member of the Fo Guang Shan Buddhist order, Venerable Dr. Juewei (覺瑋) is a lecturer of Applied Buddhist Studies and the director
Pristine Pure Land teacher Master Jingzong (b. 1966) once wrote about why he would not want to be born anywhere else except in China: “For all
Humanistic Buddhism comes to Madagascar, Malawi…