Fostering Peace through the Won Buddhist Contemplative Practice of Diary Writing
An exploration of the power of daily journaling to look within and see our thoughts and actions more clearly and empathetically

Do Not Sacrifice Later for Now
Ven. Pomnyun Suni invites us to reassess our material desires and attachments through the lens of the climate crises

Bodaisatta Shishobo – The Bodhisattva’s Four Embracing Dharmas, Part 1: Giving
Hozan Alan Senauke offers Dharmic commentary on peace and on liberation from the poisons of greed, hatred, and delusion

Buddhistdoor View: Mending Old Wounds – US and Vietnam Seek Friendship in a Complex World
A Buddhist assessment of the implications of the recent U.S.-Vietnam statement of cooperation

On Relationships, Greed, and Generosity
Managing our attachments and knowing when to let go

ChatGPT + Socially Engaged Buddhism, Part II
Digital Bodhisattva columnist and engaged Buddhist Dexter Bohn explores cultivating discernment in the age of AI

Praise and Blame: What’s Wrong at the Root of Our Society?
Prof. David Holmes shares a Buddhist view on being the change we wish to see in society

Keep Planting Seeds
In Buddhist practice we learn that slow and steady work is key to cultivating a good life

Buddhistdoor View: The Temptation of an Easy Path in Technology
As the technology around us becomes faster, smarter, and more useful, it is increasingly important to maintain our own grounding in a practice of inner cultivation

Things Are Awful, Things Are Getting Worse
As another round of climate talks begins and we have seen so many promises broken, how might we find a core of light and good in the world?

Buddhist Voices in the Climate Crisis: Welcome to the Anthropocene
Drawing on wisdom of the Buddhist teaching and the strength of our sangha to respond with compassion and wise action to the growing global climate crisis