An Afternoon with Ajahn Sujato: Personal Courage and Restoring the Sangha’s Moral Purpose
The tall and robust teacher of Ajahn Chah’s forest tradition speaks with a typically blokeish Aussie accent, however the words of wisdom and compassion he
The tall and robust teacher of Ajahn Chah’s forest tradition speaks with a typically blokeish Aussie accent, however the words of wisdom and compassion he
In 2000, Ven. Bhikkhuni Santini Theri, better known as Ayya Santini, became the first modern woman to be ordained in the Theravada Buddhist tradition in
Imagine this: a young woman, heavily pregnant and in labor, makes the journey to a grove of trees sacred to the local goddess. The village
Between the full moon of September 2016 and the full moon of September 2017 there will be worldwide commemorations of the 2600th anniversary of the
Imagine sitting on the floor among some of the most educated khenpos—holders of doctoral degrees in divinity—of the Karma Kagyu lineage. It’s 2010 in Dharamsala,
Our initial motive for documenting the lives of Tibetan Buddhist nuns through our photography stemmed from the fact that for many years, the Western world
Nestled between China and India on the eastern edges of the mighty Himalayas, the tiny Buddhist Kingdom of Bhutan is remarkable for a number of
The run-up to October this year will see exciting steps being taken towards establishing the UK’s first ever monastery for bhikkhunis (Pali; fully ordained Buddhist
Tsoknyi Nepal Nuns (TNN) is one of many projects initiated by the revered Nepalese Tibetan Buddhist teacher Venerable Tsoknyi Rinpoche III, a tulku (incarnate lama) in the
This article forms part of the “Buddhist Voices from the Land of Rivers” series, which is based on visits by the authors to Buddhist sites
The fourth Geshema examination began on Sunday at Gaden Choeling Nunnery in Dharamsala, in the northern Indian state of Himachal Pradesh.
Nuns from seven nunneries participating in the annual Great Winter Debate—gathered in Dharamsala to make a debate presentation before the Dalai Lama.