The Relevance of Buddhism in the 21st Century
Anam Thubten Rinpoche offers a meditation on the Buddhadharma in the contemporary world
Anam Thubten Rinpoche offers a meditation on the Buddhadharma in the contemporary world
A college student in the US reflects on her first encounter with the Buddhdharma
MiaoLan Lee is fighting to keep her Buddhist temple, which city officials say violates building codes and must be demolished
A US college student considers the role of religious literacy in the 21st century
Manzheeva’s incredible film sheds new light on the dramatic story of the Buddhist monk and scholar Geshe Wangyal
Hozan Alan Senauke offers a touching tribute to his close friend and spiritual mentor in engaged Buddhism, Sulak Sivaraksa
A college student in the US examines her relationship with activism and Buddhism, and understanding engaged Buddhism as a form of practice
In the wake of social media outrage over footage showing the Dalai Lama hug and kiss an Indian student, Buddhist leaders have protested against what they describe as a misrepresentation of an innocent interaction.
The Tashi Choling Center for Buddhist Studies in Oregon has announced that Dhomang Gyatrul Rinpoche died on 8 April.
After a difficult approval process, members of the Cambodian Buddhist community hope to find a welcome home in a San Jose neighborhood
The Khmer Kampuchea Krom Buddhist Association hopes the expansion will create a lasting home for their growing community
A US college student shares about her early encounters with Buddhism and how she is engaging with what she has learned