Japanese American Buddhist Reaches 110 Years Old
After a difficult childhood, Yoshiko Miwa found refuge in the care of Rev. and Mrs. Issei Matsuura of the Buddhist Churches of America
After a difficult childhood, Yoshiko Miwa found refuge in the care of Rev. and Mrs. Issei Matsuura of the Buddhist Churches of America
Former bishop of the Buddhist Churches of America is remembered for his contributions to Buddhist practice as well as his visionary work at the Institute of Buddhist Studies
The Guadalupe Buddhist Church, a member of the Jodo Shinshu Buddhist Churches of America, drew Buddhists from several communities together in celebration
A Japanese American Shin Buddhist minister offers history and view toward gratitude
His statement echoes growing concern over racist hate and..
Network aims to uplift Asian Buddhist voices and reshape..
A multi-faith upbringing made communicating across…
The evolution of Japanese Buddhism in America