How Many Kinds of Living Beings Are There in the Land of Bliss?
Who will we encounter when we are reborn in Amitabha’s Buddha-land? Alan Kwan takes a look at what kinds of beings dwell there
Who will we encounter when we are reborn in Amitabha’s Buddha-land? Alan Kwan takes a look at what kinds of beings dwell there
Exploring the deep and true meaning of the 20th vow in Amitabha Buddha’s schema of liberation and rebirth, according to Master Shandao
The true meaning of reciting Amitabha’s name “10 times” in Pure Land Buddhism and Pure Land practice
The Text of Amitabha’s 12th and the 13th vows Of the 48 Vows, the 12th and the 13th are two of the Five Real Vows
Amitabha Buddha’s first 11 vows are addressed to “humans and devas” All ordinary beings, including humans and devas, attain all the benefits given by Amitabha
Vows addressed to the “human and celestial beings in that land” Amitabha Buddha was very systematic in making his vows. The first 11 vows address
Why all vows are connected to the Primal Vow
Exploring the meaning of Amitabha’s core vows