TLKY Lecture Series: HKU Centre of Buddhist Studies to Host Talks on Tibetan Buddhism by Dr. Albion M. Butters

The Centre of Buddhist Studies at the University of Hong Kong has announced two upcoming live-streamed talks on Tibetan Buddhism by the renowned scholar and practitioners Dr. Albion M. Butters as part of the Tung Lin Kok Yuen lecture series. 

The two lectures will be conducted in English in November, with free attendance in person and online, with live-streaming via YouTube and Zoom.

Lecture 1: A Renaissance in Stormy Times: The Cultural and Spiritual History of 14th Century Tibet. 18 November, 7–9pm (HKT)

Marked by power struggles and canonical tensions, the fourteenth century was also a time of renaissance in Tibet. This lecture provides a historical overview of that tumultuous period and its most significant contributions, including various heterodox philosophical moves, alternative soteriologies, and radical spiritual movements. These are examined through the lens of the great Nyingma scholar and yogi Longchen Rabjam and his relationship with contemporaries from the other Buddhist schools of Tibet.

(HKU Centre of Buddhist Studies)

Lecture 2: The Development and Production of the Non-Sectarian Rimé View in 19th Century Tibet. 25 November, 7–9pm (HKT)

This lecture explores the Rimé view that emerged in nineteenth-century Tibet from two angles. First, it explores the meaning and epistemological significance of Rimé as a non-sectarian and ecumenical attitude toward the teachings and practices of different Buddhist schools. Second, it locates Rimé in its historical context and in relation to the major figures who promulgated it, such as Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo and Jamgön Kongtrul. And third, it examines Rimé in practice, highlighting how it was applied—and can still be found today—in the literary tradition surviving from that period.

(HKU Centre of Buddhist Studies)

Click here for more details and online registration

Dr. Albion M. Butters is a scholar of History of Religion with specialization in Tibetan Buddhism. He is editor for the Khyentse Vision Project, which is dedicated to translating the collected works of Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo.* Dr. Butters is also the editor of Studia Orientalia Electronica, an online, peer-reviewed journal in Asian and African studies. His publications include: Illuminating the Goal: rDzogs chen and Doxography in 14th-century Tibet (Finnish Oriental Society, 2018); The Travels of Ibn Battuta to India, the Spice Islands, and China (Markus Weiner, 2018); and Mandala (Dark Horse Comics, 2014).

* Khyentse Foundation Launches New Initiative to Translate the Works of Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo (BDG)

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Centre of Buddhist Studies, University of Hong Kong
Tung Lin Kok Yuen Online Lecture Series by Dr. Albion M. Butters (HKU Centre of Buddhist Studies)

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