Dudjom International Foundation and Dudjom Labrang announced today that His Holiness Dudjom Sangye Pema Shepa Rinpoche, the supreme head of the Dudjom Tersar, passed into parinirvana on 15 February.
“With the greatest sorrow, we share the news of the parinirvana of His Holiness Dudjom Rinpoche III Sangye Pema Shepa,” Dudjom International Foundation stated.
A widely revered teacher, Dudjom Rinpoche III presided over the Dudjom Tersar, a treasury of powerful teachings and practices for developing compassion and wisdom. Born in northeastern Tibet in 1990, Rinpoche practiced in Tibet and Nepal through 2018—primarily under the direction of Chatral Sangye Dorje Rinpoche. In 2018, he made his first trip to the West, visiting Canada and the United States. His second visit to the West took in France, Russia, Spain, and Switzerland, during which he took leadership of a Dudjom center in Valencia, Spain.
In a formal statement Dudjom Labrang shared:
Attention all sublime beings spreading and upholding the precious Buddhadharma, the general sangha, and in particular all students in monasteries and Dharma centers of the New Treasures of Didjom:
As everyone knows, the one whose name is hard to say except for good reason, His Holiness Düdjom Rinpoche Sangyé Pema Shepa, never had any kind of sickness from the time he was young up until now. On the evening of the Tibetan 13th he said, “Tomorrow I want to rest and relax. Please all of you be quiet and take care.” Then he went into his bedroom. At that time there was nothing out of the ordinary. The next day, the 14th day of the 12th month of the Tibetan Iron Ox year, when going to call him for his morning tea and breakfast, totally unbelievably, he had passed into parinirvana, to benefit other beings.
From the perspective of disciples who grasp to permanence, it seems the external appearance of his rüpakaya, his precious form body, has subsided into the great expanse of primordially pure inner space. Right now, his radiant countenance has not declined at all, and he is resting in meditation.
Later, once his meditation releases, his precious käya will be taken to Zheyu Monastery (Xie Wu Temple) and there, for forty-nine days, Dorsem Lama Chödpa (Offering to the Lama as Vajrasattva) will be offered to fully perfect his wisdom intentions such that there will be no obstacles for traversing the grounds and paths, and his transcendence state of realization will be completely perfected without any hindrance.
For all his vast intentions for the teachings of Buddha and sentient beings to be accomplished, in India, Nepal, Bhutan, Sikkim, Tibet and countries all over the world, Dudjom Tersar monasteries and all students should please practice guru yoga, the rituals of Lama Chödpa and so on and perform as much virtuous activity as possible to fulfill his wisdom intentions, along with making vast prayers and aspirations.
All those left behind in the Düdjom Labrang are making this earnest request.
(Dudjom International Foundation)
Dudjom Rinpoche III represented an esteemed and profoundly influential lineage that includes Traktung Dudjom Lingpa, Dudjom Rinpoche Jigdral Yeshe Dorje, and Chatral Sangye Dorje Rinpoche. The Dudjom lineage is a transmission of spiritual wisdom that originates with the revered master Dudjom Lingpa Rinpoche (1835–1904). The principal seats of his lineage are in Nepal and Tibet.
Rinpoche’s father was Dola Chokyi Nyima Rinpoche, a tulku in the Sakya school whose older brother was Kyabje Dungse Thinley Norbu. Dola Tulku and Thinley Norbu were sons of Dudjom Jigdral Yeshe Dorje Rinpoche (1904–987). His mother, Pema Khandro, was also a highly accomplished practitioner. Many Dudjom lineage holders, including Dudjom Rinpoche III’s root master, Chatral Sangye Dorje Rinpoche (1913–2015), recognized him as an incarnation of his grandfather. Chatral Rinpoche said: “This is an unmistaken reincarnation of Dudjom. The undeceiving vajra prophecies of many great masters in India and Tibet are all in accord, and I myself am also deeply convinced.” (Dudjom International Foundation)
Chatral Rinpoche instructed Dudjom Yangsi to undertake a traditional three-year retreat at the famous Gangri Tokar hermitage in Tibet, which he began in 2008 and completed in 2011. Dudjom Rinpoche III also visited many of the most important Buddhist pilgrimage sites in Tibet, greater China, Nepal, Spiti, and Bhutan.
The sublime teachings of the Dharma must be engaged first through study and contemplation, and then internalized in the mind by practice. Afterward we can practically apply them in the activities of upholding, preserving, and propagating them. We must understand that the teachings of Dharma are not to be approached like worldly transfers of accounts. They are not to be performed as a spectacle or broadly advertised as goods to be bought and sold.
— Dudjom Rinpoche III
Very sad. The Dudjom lineage is very special. The older teachers will now have to work harder to ensure the next generation is receiving the transmission of the practices/teachings.
Which was the phisioligical cause of Rinpoche’s death.
They do not want to say he suicided.