Updates with dates and times of additional Dharma Q+A in December.
The renowned Korean Buddhist monk and Seon (Zen) master Ven. Pomnyun Sunim* will conduct two global live-streamed Dharma talks on 13/14 November and 19/20 December under the theme “Casual Conversation with Ven. Pomnyun Sunim: About Life, Love, Success, and Happiness.”
A widely respected Dharma teacher, a bestselling author, and an untiring social activist in his native South Korea, Ven. Pomnyun Sunim has founded numerous Dharma-based organizations, initiatives, and projects that are active across the world. Among them, Jungto Society, a volunteer-based community founded on the Buddhist teachings and expressing equality, simple living, and sustainability, is dedicated to addressing modern social issues that lead to suffering, including environmental degradation, poverty, and conflict.
“Ven. Pomnyun Sunim is one of the most recognized and influential Buddhist leaders in South Korea with an active following,” a representative of Jungto Society told Buddhistdoor Global. “He is well known for his unique way of engaging audiences in Dharma Q+A that is rooted in the Buddhist teachings. This talk will have a conversational format and has no rules: people from any walk of life may ask, speak, and discuss any topic they face in their lives—issues range from the personal to societal, religious to scientific, civilization to history.”

Ven. Pomnyun Sunim has earned considerable acclaim in South Korea and internationally for his unique and accessible style of Dharma instruction, which follows an informal Q+A format during which participants are invited to raise any issues that concern them. The talks are structured with the aim of helping people realize their own inner contradictions or ignorance, and providing them with the tools and understanding to alleviate their own suffering, in the tradition of the historical Buddha.“Anyone who seeks a deeper understanding about life—from personal problems to social and global issues, and the essential questions of existence—can ask Ven. Pomnyun Sunim for his insightful perspective, which can help them understand the truth about what matters to him or her and what doesn’t matter at all,” Jungto Society explained. “Ven. Pomnyun Sunim listens to people and guides them based on the Buddha’s teaching, helping them to understand and see their situation from a different perspective.” These free global live events, which will be conducted in English, will be held at the following times (click here to register):
In November: Sat., 14 Nov., 1 pm–2:30 pm (Aukland)
Sat., 14 Nov., 11 am–12:30 am (Sydney)
Sat., 14 Nov., 9 am–10:30 am (Seoul, Tokyo)
Sat., 14 Nov., 8 am–9:30 am (Beijing, Hong Kong, Singapore)
Sat., 14 Nov., 7 am–8:30 am (Bangkok, Jakarta)
Sat., 14 Nov., 5:30 am–7 am (New Delhi)
Sat., 14 Nov., 3 am–4:30 am (Moscow)
Sat., 14 Nov., 1 am–2:30 am (Amsterdam, Berlin, Paris, Stockholm)
Sat., 14 Nov., Midnight–1:30 am (London)
Fri., 13 Nov., 7 pm–8:30 pm (Montreal, New York)
Fri., 13 Nov., 4 pm–5:30 pm (Los Angeles, Vancouver) In December: Sun., 20 Dec., 12 pm–1:30 am (Aukland)
Sun., 20 Dec., 10 am–11:30 am (Sydney)
Sun., 20 Dec., 8 am–9:30 am (Seoul, Tokyo)
Sun., 20 Dec., 7 am–8:30 am (Beijing, Hong Kong, Singapore)
Sun., 20 Dec., 6 am–7:30 am (Bangkok, Jakarta)
Sun., 20 Dec., 4:30 am–6 am (New Delhi)
Sun., 20 Dec., 2 am–3:30 am (Moscow)
Sun., 20 Dec., Midnight–1:30 am (Amsterdam, Berlin, Paris, Stockholm)
Sat., 19 Dec., 11 pm–00:30 am (London)
Sat., 19 Dec., 6 pm–7:30 pm (Montreal, New York)
Sat., 19 Dec., 3 pm–4:30 pm (Los Angeles, Vancouver)
Ven. Pomnyun Sunim is also the founder and chair of the international relief agency Join Together Society, which works to eradicate poverty and hunger through humanitarian aid and sustainable development; Good Friends, a center for peace, human rights, and refugees; the Peace Foundation; and EcoBuddha, an environmental movement focused on sustainable development. He also works closely with the Thailand-based International Network of Engaged Buddhists (INEB). “The path of truth leads us to freedom and happiness. The path must be beneficial to us and others in the present and in the future,” said Ven. Pomnyun Sunim. “A path which benefits only us and not others or only others and not us is not sustainable. If we do something that only benefits us and is detrimental to others, we will have to deal with the consequences later in life. If we sacrifice ourselves to benefit others, we won’t be able to keep doing it for a long time. Consequently, in order to have sustainable happiness, we must choose a path that is beneficial to everyone.”
Click here to register for this free event and to submit a question for Ven. Pomnyun Sunim
* Sunim is a Korean title of respect for senior Buddhist monks.
See more
2020 November Livestream Casual Conversation with Ven. Pomnyun Sunim
Venerable Pomnyun (Facebook)
Jungto Society
Jungto Society US
Join Together Society America