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Thich Nhat Hanh Birthday Edition 2012

Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh straddles two world epochs as one of the most influential Buddhist leaders in our living memory. He fought the ideologies of war and revenge behind the Vietnam War in the 20th century, and has since devoted himself to a myriad of causes in the 21st. From restoring the dignity of Mother Earth to building the foundations of Engaged Buddhism as we recognize it today, Thay’s contribution to the growth of modern, socially-sensitive Buddhism is difficult to quantify. Standing tall amongst luminaries like Martin Luther King Jr., Thomas Merton, and more, Thich Nhat Hanh is among the last of his contemporaries who struggled so tirelessly for social justice and peace. This year, 2012, marks his eighty-sixth birthday. Buddhistdoor International has compiled a series of articles and media to celebrate this, in Reverend King’s words, holy and devout monk from Vietnam.

Essays and belles lettres by writers, scholars and religious leaders

·    Nhat Hanh is my brother, by Thomas Merton

Martin Luther King Jr’s Nomination for Thich Nhat Hanh as the Nobel Prize Recipient


Peace Sounds, by WakeUp and Friends

Our True Heritage – songs inspired by the poetry of Thich Nhat Hanh


Open Mind, Open Heart: Touching the Wonders of Now

Simple Mindfulness

Social Changes at the Base

Reviews of Thich Nhat Hanh’s books and poetry

True Love and the Spiritual Life 

Deepen your spiritual practice with the Energy of Prayer

Reflections from Buddhistdoor International

Wisdom and Compassion: The Blessed One’s Gifts to all beings

·    Mindfulness: Walking, and Breathing: Reflections on a Thich Nhat Hanh Retreat

·    Pebbles are Flowers are Mountains

·    Breaking the Habit: Buddhism and the Personal Aspects of Suffering

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