Bring Back Our Art Schools!
It is high time we brought back the lost traditions of the Mathur?n and Gandh?ran art schools. Mathur? and Gandh?ra were two regions in ancient India
It is high time we brought back the lost traditions of the Mathur?n and Gandh?ran art schools. Mathur? and Gandh?ra were two regions in ancient India
Siddham, according to Prof. Wang Bangwei of Peking University, refers to a specific type of script used in ancient India; in China, it refers more
What is Reality?: A Compendium of Scientific Discovery and the Buddha’s Discovery By Dhammadassi Bhikkhu and Kenneth B. GunatungePublished by the authors in 2010, ColomboPages:
“Beautiful, soft, open – but not always interesting.” This is how California-based filmmaker Heather Kessinger describes current trends in American Buddhist filmmaking, which has unwittingly