Theravada Teachings
Prof. David Dale Holmes taught English and World Literature and Creative Writing at the University of Maryland, Munich Campus, European Division, from 1966–92, after which he moved to Asia to lecture at Thailand’s Chulalongkorn University, and later at the World Buddhist University in Bangkok. From 1986–92, he traveled yearly between Munich, Germany, and Kandy, Sri Lanka, to study under Ven. Nyanaponika and Ven. Bhikkhu Bodhi. Here he became familiar with the body of literature disseminated by the Buddhist Publication Society, and later assisted in editing the BPS Wheel Series to make it available online for free download.
Theravada Teachings is published monthly.

The Way of Mindfulness
Approaching the Four Foundations of Mindfulness on the path to clear comprehension and liberation

On Eradicating Unwholesome Mental States
Cultivating the mind—finding our way on the Buddha’s Noble Eightfold Path

When This Happens, That Happens
Understanding the cause-and-effect relationship that is based on dependent origination

Impermanence, Suffering, and Non-Self
Cultivating right view toward the samsaric suffering of impermanence and uncertainty

Concerning Impermanence
Understanding the Buddha’s teaching on impermanence

Choosing the Path to Purity
Advice for for those approaching the path of Buddhist insight

The Deep, Dark, Dangerous Depths of Wrong View
Understanding Wrong View and gaining insight into the defiled mind of delusion and attachment

Uncertainty, Insecurity, and Instability
On the nature of the body, of the self, and of impermanence.

On Mind and Body
Meditating on the mind and body as two coexistent and interdependent parts

The Mind Refining the Mind
Steps along the path of insight meditation to wisdom and peace

Doing What Has to Be Done
How do we become trainers of the mind?