Gathering Blackberries: End of Season Reflections on Loss and Belonging
BDG columnist Ratnadevi takes us blackberry picking as she contemplates the ecological and societal changes underway around and within us
Ratnadevi is a mindfulness teacher, trainer and retreat leader based in Scotland. She is the author of <i><a href=”https://playspacepublications.com/bringing-mindfulness-to-life/”>Bringing Mindfulness to Life</a></i>. As a qualified coach she offers a range of one-to-one services, including online mindfulness teaching, mentoring and supervising. She is a member of the Triratna Buddhist Order and wrote an arts-based PhD thesis looking at the place of ritual for Buddhists practicing in the modern world.
Bringing Mindfulness to Life is published monthly.
BDG columnist Ratnadevi takes us blackberry picking as she contemplates the ecological and societal changes underway around and within us
Using art and perception to engage a deeply embodied form of mindfulness
A meditation on the many ways that silence and being silenced can impact our lives
Mindfulness teacher and artist Ratnadevi offers gentle guidance for all who struggle with the creative or artistic process
Ratnadevi brings us along on a solitary retreat on the west coast of Scotland
Examining the hands and the body as a grounding place for our mindful orientation to the world
A meditation on the freedom possible in prison and the way our minds can imprison us even when we believe that we are free
How slowing down changes our relationship with the world, inviting in deeper connection to its beauty
Using meditation to allow ourselves to fully feel our emotions as the climate crisis threatens to overwhelm us
A meditation on Buddhist practice as a source of meaning and relevance in a society saturated with consumerism
Reflecting on the life and death of Queen Elizabeth II and the existential and spiritual questions that arise as the world looks on
Contemplating the many ways we can create inner calm and stillness in an increasingly busy world