Meditation as Medication: The Intersection of Buddhism and Mental Health
Kassidy Evans explores the famous overlaps and the subtle distinctions between Buddhist meditation and Western psychology
Kassidy Evans explores the famous overlaps and the subtle distinctions between Buddhist meditation and Western psychology
How Buddhist values reinforces activism and can help make both Asian and Western approaches to bringing positive change more effective
Kassidy Evans examines how social media has amplified the false sense of self in young people—and the Buddhist antidote
By unraveling some of the mistaken views of karma that many people hold, Kassidy Evans helps us see more clearly how karma works in Buddhism and in our lives
Dharma Bum Temple’s Engaged Buddhist Training Program provides an eight-week long initiative ending with refuge and vow ceremonies
How a local Buddhist temple in San Diego is bringing the heart of authentic Buddhist practice to American seekers
How a local Buddhist temple in San Diego is bringing the heart of authentic Buddhist practice to American seekers
Kassidy Evans tells the story of the first Buddhist fraternity in an American university and its unique contribution to American Buddhism