Buddhistdoor View: When You Feel Like Mr. Bump
Buddhistdoor Global
15 February 2019
Dealing with unrelenting misfortune in our…

Using A Christmas Carol to Clarify Your Core Values
Seth Shugar
24 December 2018
A sentimental and at times a brutally compassionate…

Inter-religious Dialogue: Are Buddhists Doing Enough?
John Cannon
13 October 2018
On the challenge of creating peace in our…

Carnegie Foundation and Elijah Interfaith Institute to Draft Friendship Pact for World Religions
Anne Wisman
5 October 2018
Organizers hope the treaty will promote tolerance…

Buddhistdoor View: Let Water Flow Naturally—Cultivating Acceptance and Reducing Prejudice
Buddhistdoor Global
15 September 2018
A reflection on opening up the mind and shutting…

Dialogue Between Buddhism and Christianity is More Urgent Than Ever
Raymond Lam
12 July 2018
Seeking a path to understanding and…

Fostering Compassion Through Breaking Bias: Anurag Gupta Asks Us to BE MORE
Justin Whitaker
11 July 2018
Moving beyond the pettiness of greed…

The Difference Age Makes
Vanessa Sasson
19 May 2017
Life is pain. That is the first noble truth. Like most practitioners and scholars of Buddhism, I have given that truth a considerable amount of