Of Scriptures and Enchantment: An Interview with Sam van Schaik on a Grimoire of Magic Spells from Dunhuang
Sam Van Schaik discusses the union of Buddhism and magic in a groundbreaking study of Dunhuang traditions
Sam Van Schaik discusses the union of Buddhism and magic in a groundbreaking study of Dunhuang traditions
From mantras to lung, the subtle power of sound
The vital force connecting us to all earthly existence
Our speech shows our true understanding as much as…
Mystic expressions of tantric meditation
Vessels of an ancient lineage
Transmission of the Accomplishment of Mani…
Buddhist music as a method of healing
Healing mantras and tantric connections
Digital mala keep track of mantra recitations and…
My old lecturer at the School of Oriental and African Studies in London once said to me, “Creativity is anathema to Tibetan art.” This is